
Here you can find all the templates from the Digital Innovation Playbook

Explore Methods

Here you will find all the templates for the Explore module. Basically, the methods can be organized into two groups: There are “synthesis methods” that help us to classify data and to interpret information, and there are “ethnographic methods” that help us to collect the correct data during a qualitative field survey. These two groups of methods go hand in hand. They are tools for innovation development. We can not be innovative if we do not use qualitative methods and synthesis methods! Ist our responsibility to make the right choice: Each project needs an individually selected tool set.

The qualitative interview

Explore method 1

The qualitative interview helps us to capture specific information and to gain true-to-life insights about our users and their way of life.

The qualitative interview 2

Explore method 1

The qualitative interview helps us to capture spesific information and to gain true-to-life insights about our users and their way of life.

Get to know extreme users

Explore method 3

With this method we can explore the boundary conditions of our user group. Extrem Users are those who do something particularly often, intensively or never at all.

User Motivation Analysis

Explore method 4

This method helps us to extract the needs and obstacles from the vast amount of data about the users that we have collected in interviews or durig research at our desk.

Persona synthesis cluster

Explore method 5.1

The persona synthesis cluster helps to get early results even in the case of escalating research.


Explore method 5.2

The persona is a tool to understand with the living conditions of our user. It represents our synthesized knowledge about the user group.

Persona 2

Explore method 5.2

The persona is a tool to understand with the living conditions of our user. It represents our synthesized knowledge about the user group.

Value Proposition Chain

Explore method 6

The Value Proposition Chain method enables us to do user-centered innovation development into the business-to-business (B2B) sector.

Research Mind Map

Explore method 7

This method helps to divide our initial question into handy research fields and visualize it.

Research Mind Map 2

Explore method 7

This method helps to divide our initial question into handy research fields and visualize it.

Research Mind Map 3

Explore method 7

This method helps to divide our initial question into handy research fields and visualize it.

Stakeholder Map

Explore method 8

With the stakeholder map, we visualize all the people who are involved in the problem or affected by it and who can help us to answer parts of our initial question.

Stakeholder Map 2

Explore method 8

With the stakeholder map, we visualize all the people who are involved in the problem or affected by it and who can help us to answer parts of our initial question.

Stakeholder Map 3

Explore method 8

With the stakeholder map, we visualize all the people who are involved in the problem or affected by it and who can help us to answer parts of our initial question.

Market Trend Analysis

Explore method 9

The market trend analysis helps us to cluster and locate our collected data from desk research and thus to define new potential fields.

User Journey

Explore method 10

The User Journey guides us through the process that the user experiences with a product or service.

Fly on the Wall

Explore method 11

We take on the role of a silent observer. We want to observe our user and his behavior.


Explore method 12

Nothing is more valuable than experiences of ones own. The Self-Immertion is a method to immerse ourselves in the topic.

Self-Immertion 2

Explore method 12

Nothing is more valuable than experiences of ones own. The Self-Immertion is a method to immerse ourselves in the topic.

Dark Horse Innovation enables organizations to utilize the market potentials of the digital age. We create user-centered products and services and transform structures, processes and minds to empower our clients to be more innovative.

The digital age constantly and rapidly revolutionizes how we work and live, consume and even love. Products and services and users‘ interpretations of them are increasingly intertwined and connected. Successful brands interact with their customers and quickly identify and create opportunities to innovate. The rules of the game are changing all the time. We thrive on that change.