Here you can find all the templates from the Digital Innovation Playbook
Here you can find all templates of the Evaluate module. In the Evaluate modul, we conduct experiments and systematically test our solution hypotheses. We break them down in smaller testable units. The more concrete we make our big solution hypothesis by means of the tested hypotheses, the nearer we approach the real solution. In the Evaluate modul, we test the assumptions behind the solutions. For this purpose, we as well as scientists develop test procedures that have to fit the theories. Although we follow this course, we consciously ignore scientific requirements for empirical validity, objectivity or reliability. For us, unlike in truth-seeking science, a cost-benefit consideration is important. We always choose the middle ground of maximum knowledge and maximum progress and minimal risk. Unfortunately, these are things that are quite opposite. Only experience and learning from right and wrong decisions help. We are not scientists but entrepreneurs. So the only relevant criterion is ultimately the market success.
Hypothesis generating
Evaluate methods
Business plan
Evaluate method 3
Test Grids
Evaluate Method 9
Test Grids 2
Evaluate Method 9
Talking to the Experts
Evaluate method 10